Born in Tokyo in 1958
Studied French Literature at Rikkyo University
She grew up listening to the songs of Françoise Hardy, while her own musical journey began with classical piano and vocals. After discovering the Beatles in her teenage years, she became a big fan of rock and hard rock.
While her son was in elementary school, she formed a gospel choir with the other mothers in her neighborhood. Following a successful performance at the Satin Doll jazz club in Roppongi, she knew she had found her vocation in singing.
In 2008, she studied abroad at Sonoma State University in California, USA, where she also learned from Christopher Fritche (Chanticleer) how to make her voice resonate.
In 2012, she made her debut as a jazz singer on the stage of Satin Doll, followed by other live performances in jazz clubs around Tokyo. Since 2014, she has been honing her vocal skills at workshops led by celebrity singer Geila Zilkha.
Pako’s performance brings out the best of jazz, chanson, rock and pop songs, arranged for live shows, volunteer activities and parties.
“There is something that can only be conveyed through the experience of age. I have learned so much from the seniors at the home where I volunteer to sing.”
— Pako
立教大学 フランス文学科卒業
小学生の頃からフランソワーズ アルディを聴き、ピアノや声楽のクラシック路線からビートルズなどのロックに傾倒。中高時代には、ロックや、ハードロックの大ファンとなる。
子育て中には、英会話を教えていたママ仲間たちを集めてゴスペル クワイヤを結成。英語でしゃべることが恥ずかしかった生徒さんたちが見違えるほど積極的になり、大変身を遂げることに。
2008年、アメリカ カリフォルニア州ソノマ州立大学に短期留学し、クリストファー フリッチェ氏(シャンティ クリア)から声の響かせ方を学ぶ。
その後都内でライブ活動を続け、2014年からギラ ジルカ主催のワークショップに参加。